Writing for Well-Being…

write mindful writing workshop pub

Creative writing can be good for your well-being. It can help in the following ways:

  • helps to relieve stress and anxiety
  • is relaxing and helps you find a sense of peace
  • helps to clarify and organise thoughts
  • puts thoughts and feelings into words
  • helps to free up the mind
  • helps achieve calmness and mindfulness

Anyone can do it. If you can write, you can write creatively.

During a session there is no need  to worry about your handwriting, spelling, or punctuation. You are writing for yourselves and there is no right or wrong way of doing so.

It is not about a finished product but the calming process of just the writing itself, which allows you  to find  clarity, space and a moment of relaxation.

During my workshops the aim is to provide a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, help you use your imagination, develop new ideas and unwind!

Writing for Well-being exercises usually consist of:

  • Mindful writing: being in and focusing on the moment, writing from the senses.
  • Free writing: writing whatever comes into your head.
  • Reflective Writing: stories and memories

Want to know more about writing for well-being? Here are a few places to start:

Lapidus – The Writing for Well-being organisation.

Orchard Foundation

Words for Well-being Blog by Carol Ross